Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ghostliest Thanks

The days are gone, when I was a child and life was simpler than ever. I am not talking about a 3-4 year old freak. It is when you start developing interests, for then you understand things in the very primal way of yours own. You have your own world, your own concepts, your own views, however pre-mature they might look to the out-side world. You are reckless, you are free and you enjoy.

For me, as a child the very concept of ghost was as realistic as any other object in the world. (It is the same even today, if god exists evil should or none.) The most enjoyable moments would be, when we would visit our home-town in Konkan. Even today development there is equal to nothing compared to cities like mumbai. Scarcely dense villages, big and spacious houses, huge gardens and farms (called agar in native dialect) on four sides of the house, cracked fences, no street lights....and all this in the middle of a Jungle like territory on a steep of Sahyadri Range. After dinner, we all children would gather around the eldest person in the family (we call him ajoba), who would very happily (and dramatically) share his experiences about ghost and vastupurush. (By the way, Konkan is very famous for such incidences..they claim so!). This meeting would last hardly for an hour or so, but it would make a great impact on you enough to surpass for next many days (sorry nights!).

The toilets there are generally built outside the house. You will have to dig your way through paras (small open space just outside the house....perhaps the world parasakade was adopted from this) in the starry light and believe me, you have really tough time covering even that small distance. (I believe, many of us would prefer controlling the pressure throughout, rather!)

Any way, the days are gone. Now we are grown up and have become dumb to these feelings. This is the price paid for knowledge!! I keep complaining my friends, I again need to enjoy the feeling of fear...fear of night sky...fear of loneliness...fear of every sound cracked around (this one adopted from Mr. Ramu)....and I hardly find anything that daunting...neither movies nor books.......kuchh karo yaar!

Thanks to Kshitiz, for returning me what I was searching for so long. Yesterday, it was around 0230 JST (= 2300 IST) and I was working on my code, while chatting with my sister, when she suddenly BUZZed me, for an exciting mail on this yahoogroup has arrived. Friends there started discussing their experiences on trekking. The main victim was Torna, the first ever won by Maharaja Chatrapati Shivaji. Many of them, went separately...heard of some voices, screams....and hell lot of experiences....and believe me, if they say they experienced, they must have gone through something (need not be exactly what they are thinking)...but my point is, they are not faking!................I was working in my office...all alone....just a small room lit in the whole building...and nothing...and yes! that created its effect....I was frighten...somebody was behind me....ohh, somebody passed from the right...there is someone at the next door....someone singing below the window on the left.......and, I decided to live it up...I decided to go to my room, when I realised, it was storming out-side....no way....I better in the office....all Ramu movies have storms in them!......

It was not before 0500 here, I left my office.......

P.S.: If you wish to read the mails (not for ghost-propaganda...just for information), mail me...or you know, how to scrap!


Vivek said...

Cool! Nice experience! :). I heard someone had a similar experience in D-block library (TIFR) and ran to the A-block library while doing his library duty. (I can't divulge names as I'm not sure of the truth of the story). :)

श्रीपाद said...

Please do send me the mail. By the way, have you seen Shining and Blare-witch project? These are two good movies. Shining, the novel, is also quite good.

Nikhil Joshi said...

so it is true that in TIFr we have bhoots around..not on orkut/blog yet??

I will send it to your tifr a/c if it is still working...what other a/c do you prefer, otherwise?

Shining is the one with Jack Nicolson, right...it was famous for it's director more...mala naav athvat nahi...the other one is totally new to me...will try watching it sometime...

Dr Shanta Laishram said...

Well... I had bad experience due to Ajay Thakur. He tried to play a prank on me and when he called me up in D-block library, the phone rang in the inside room, not in the counter. As I was all alone, only the sound of AC was there and didn't know that they were playing pranks on me, I became really afraid.

Nikhil Joshi said...


this was great....TIFR people still have the sense of humour in them....post it on orkut..

श्रीपाद said...

Yes, you could send it to my TIFR account. Thanks to Pablo, it is still working.