Friday, July 28, 2006

The eleventh best

Yesterday, while on tea table, a faculty friend of mine described, "what research field meant to him, when he was a Ph.D. student". I wish to share that experience with you all.

During Ph.D. time, most of the student take hardly any time to realise, that what they are doing is not what they deserved to do ...... of course, they deserve more ..... neither they feel any excitement about their work ...... what I am doing is pretty mechanical and hardly any research! ... so they say .... and, believe me (read, the faculty friend) .... it is ture!

But, then after a few years you come of the factory as a researcher, a post doc.. and most of time, the same field becomes your passion ..... your life ..... your ultimate love ...... I love this... I always wanted to do this ..... so you say .... and again believe me ..... it is true..... again!

Nothing great about it ..... same thing happens every-where ...... while in the market, everyone wishes to marry the top 10 females in the world ...... ash, I love her ...... Julia, yessss..... angelina, hummmm .... J Lo, ooops..... sharapova, no words ..... and so on

And again almost always happens, that you get to marry only the 11th best in your life ...... for first six months, you start realising...... this is no good .... I deserved better .... look at that Panse ..... he is really lucky ..... (by the way, the same Panse must be looking forward to Mr. Sane the next door....possible) ..... ohh, mrs. singh....aah, just perfect....

And, just about six months after the marriage, (when you realise, this is the best you can afford) you accept it as your life .... our love increased day by day .... she is the best ..... I always wanted a girl like her ...

.... true or not, but research is just like marriage.... you always fall where you never wanted to be.... but you always end up loving it up .... living it up

1 comment:

Suvadeep said...

That was great post Nikhil. Good that you shared it with us. Whoever's thinking it was its very radical thinking .. and very interesting, too ..